The Herald has just emailed us from a hospital bed in down-town Fleckeby with a break-down of his last two days of activity and the conclusions he draws from this period:
Spent the morning touring the crypts of local churches hunting for a rune-like symbol I found on the last page of 'The Tome of Spiritual Magnetism'. Alas, was unable to find rune - my only discovery was that I have a dust allergy. Spent the afternoon in cafes drinking espresso and reading local papers and books on the history of Fleckeby; in particular one book I found in a second-hand bookshop entitled 'Fleckeby: Home of the Occult' (in German of course).
It was during this session that two intriguing pieces of information were uncovered: first, a couple were due to be married on Friday May 7 at the Fleckeby town hall, the groom an Englishman from Wimbledon Village, the bride a recent immigrant from Vienna, and second that Fleckeby was once home to an ascetic believed to have extroadinary powers of divination and predicition having burned out his own eyes - exchanging regular sight for foresight. The first factual nugget was from The Fleckebey Chronicle and the latter from 'Fleckebey: Home of the Occult'. It seems that the power of Romance will be an important and redeeming bond for the parks and also that I have a clear course of action before me.
In the morning I burn out my own eyes with a soldering iron I bought from a hardware shop. Pass out from the pain but moments before waking have vivid, phantasmagoric dream in which huge gobulets of green float across my vision, meet, coalesce and seperate. Upon regaining consciousness am able to alert help with my mobile phone and spend day in hospital recieving emergency operations. Uncertain if my sight will ever return but have been having fitful visions where the blades of grass that comprise lawns are sucked back into the ground and clouds swell so low over the trees that they suck them up like tornados.
There is too much pain now for me to feel that this park-swap will be anything short of cataclysmic.