The Mayan Popul Vuh, or the book of the people, was their most sacred text and tells of their history and their legends but also prophesies the future. Upon greater research our most academic of scholars stumbled upon one strange section. Here it is translated into English for the benefit of those unable to read Mayan or the Quiche language, this section comes from the Chichicastenango manuscript:
"these are the name of the divinity, arranged in pairs in accord with the dual conception of the Quiche: Tzacol and Bitol, Creator and Maker. Alom, the mother god, she who conceived the sons, Qaholom, the father god who begat the sons. Let your nature be known, Hunahpu-Vuch, Hunahpu-Ytiu, twice-mother, twice-father, Nim-Ac, Nim-Tziis, Cannizaro-Augarten, who twice swapped, Ixtlilxochitl who saw the world as it was."
Our scholar was amazed to find the two contemporary names here 'Cannizaro' and 'Augarten', in a script from the far-side of the world, and from a time long, long ago. What could it mean, what does it mean? We are as yet unable to tell you, but the date 2010 appears later in the text. Coincidence, hardly.
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