This has been dubbed 'The Meteor-induced continental-plate man-trap movement'. The theory has its roots in Lembit Opik's assertion that 'the chances of a meteor hitting the earth are 100%'. That a large meteor will hit on May 7 is a given, therefore this model simulates the Eurasion continental plate splitting on impact and the two pieces springing up like a man trap. The two points at each extremity of the broken plates, the points that meet first, are of course Cannizaro Park London and The Augarten Vienna. This is by far the most destructive and apocalyptic in tone of the theories thus far but this does not make it any more or less likely.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Updates From The Tower Enclave
This has been dubbed 'The Meteor-induced continental-plate man-trap movement'. The theory has its roots in Lembit Opik's assertion that 'the chances of a meteor hitting the earth are 100%'. That a large meteor will hit on May 7 is a given, therefore this model simulates the Eurasion continental plate splitting on impact and the two pieces springing up like a man trap. The two points at each extremity of the broken plates, the points that meet first, are of course Cannizaro Park London and The Augarten Vienna. This is by far the most destructive and apocalyptic in tone of the theories thus far but this does not make it any more or less likely.
Yule Promises More Material
In the run-up to May 7 Yule has pledged continued support in the form of more acoustic sessions and more varied cover-versions. In all likely-hood this will bring more celebrity backing and greater youth-awareness to the meta-logical happening. As a fore-taste Yule has sent a copy of his revised lyrics for The Smith's 'Panic'. Read and understand that logic is the underlay of poetry.
Electro-Pop Pioneer James Yule Lends Support To Park-Swap Cause
Nobody has married abrasive Electronica with Romantic melodic music with as much finesse and popularity as Morecame's James Yule. Yule is single-handedly opening the eyes of many young people to the approach of the park-swap and it's national, even international, significance. Here Yule picks up on an earlier post on this blog concerning Dylan's subtle, almost implicit, prophesies. Here, in a melow acoustic session, Yule recreates Dylan's recording of 'The times they are a-changin' finding truth and potential in his words.
More Graphics from BT Tower Enclave
(1) Has its' basis in the Multiverse theory: the notion of infinite parallel universes, working through every variation until a universe (ours) is reached in which Cannizaro and the Augarten switch on May 7.
(2) The Robinson principle is based on Alfred Watkins' definition of the Ley Line as 'a place of geographical significance with latent spiritual power'. Robinson identifies a Ley Line under Cannizaro due to shift towards Austria. This theory has a clear relationship with the 118 map theory that was put forward earlier on this blog providing further emphasis and proof.
Secret Scientist Enclave Produce New Graphics
A group of internationally respected physicists and meteorologists - who wish to remain anonymous to avoid media attention - have formed an enclave in the BT Tower. Acting as a research unit this group are attempting to predict the park swap through graphics and formuli. Taking the tower as their base of operations for it's unique selection of both microwave and subterranean fibre optic links (making it perfect for instant climate and news data) and armed with a stack of advanced scientific literature and a blackboard, these intrepid theorists have sent this humble blog their findings so far and promise to keep us informed as we draw ever closer to May 7. This blog makes a full commitment to its' readers that the imagery and blurb that is sent to us will be immediately and accurately posted.
Below is a model based on the dynamic movement of sound waves entitled 'blue saddle + yellow force = green discharge'. We are reliably informed that the vibrations recently registered in the earth at Cannizaro and the Augarten imply that they will be vibrating at exactly the same frequency on May 7. At this point these long-distance waves will intersect and in doing so produce a new sound. When this new sound is heard in both parks simultaneously those hearing it will not know which of the parks they are physically in; sound generating hyper-illusion.
Below is a model based on the dynamic movement of sound waves entitled 'blue saddle + yellow force = green discharge'. We are reliably informed that the vibrations recently registered in the earth at Cannizaro and the Augarten imply that they will be vibrating at exactly the same frequency on May 7. At this point these long-distance waves will intersect and in doing so produce a new sound. When this new sound is heard in both parks simultaneously those hearing it will not know which of the parks they are physically in; sound generating hyper-illusion.

Great numbers of birds have been seen flocking in the Augarten. Is this in preparation for the swap? Scientific opinion believes one reason could be the more plentiful food sources in Cannizaro due to London pollution creating the ideal habitat for many varieties of insect. Dr Hans Hoffberg Graz of the University of Biological Sciences Wien states "Die Umweltbedingungen sind weit günstiger in Cannizaro für eine große Zahl von Arten"
7 Days Till Swap - The Countdown Continues
With only one week till the swap there is mass conjecture as to whether paranormal or astrological activity will increase exponentially or fluctuate spasmodically. Dr. Gibson Green from De Montfort University Leicester has plotted a series of graphs to gauge the change in this activity over the coming week; the Doctor also factors in rapid and inexplicable climate shifts.

Thursday, 29 April 2010
Japanese Show Solidarity With Only 8 Days Till Transition
The Japanese literary community have sent this blog a Haiku (which we have roughly translated) as a token of support for research being undertaken and as an acknowledgment that even on the far side of the world a potentially revelatory or cataclysmic event cannot go un-analyzed.
The parks are swapping,
No-one knows why they will change,
Change, they surely must.
H. Murakami and N. Kirino
The parks are swapping,
No-one knows why they will change,
Change, they surely must.
H. Murakami and N. Kirino
Wormhole Intersection
The virtual model (below) illustrates how the physical or cultural contents of the parks may connect and be sucked into one another in the same manner as a standard wormhole. The parks will be sucked down through their own ponds and re-materialise on the other side. At the very nadir of the pond's basin could lie the essential point of intersection.
The page 118 connection
Take any A to Z of London or Vienna, take the Rough Guides to Vienna or London, take any tourist map of the two cities for that matter. Cannizaro park or The Augarten will always be on page 118. This is beyond coincidence. A secretary at the AA's map-making department tipped us off about this anomaly pointing to numerous examples in their own publishing house and others such as Faber and Faber, Random House and Rough Guide. The parks must exist simulataneously if all maps place them on the same page. On the cosmos' great contents page both parks are on page 118; they are inextricably linked.
Fleckeby may be the key
Significant facts:
Type 'Cannizaro Park London' into Google and there are 12,500 hits.
Type 'The Augarten Park Vienna' into Google and there are 22,600 hits.
Divide 22,600 by 12,500: The Augarten divided by Cannizaro, and it is equal to 1.808.
1.808 is therefore a significant number - in the same vein as pi.
I shall call 1.808 'ca' (this stands for Cannizaro/Augarten).
If one puts 1.808 (ca) into Wikipedia it equates to the population percentile of Fleckeby Germany.
Wikipedia continues:
'Fleckeby is a municipality in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Fleckeby is east of the municipality of Güby, but north of Hummelfeld.'
The solution must be somewhere in Fleckeby: a museum, a gallery, written in a shop window, in a musty library or city archive, scratched into a dry wall or written out in pebbles. If you live or know someone in Fleckeby please contact them. It may be necessary to get an agent in Fleckeby.
Type 'Cannizaro Park London' into Google and there are 12,500 hits.
Type 'The Augarten Park Vienna' into Google and there are 22,600 hits.
Divide 22,600 by 12,500: The Augarten divided by Cannizaro, and it is equal to 1.808.
1.808 is therefore a significant number - in the same vein as pi.
I shall call 1.808 'ca' (this stands for Cannizaro/Augarten).
If one puts 1.808 (ca) into Wikipedia it equates to the population percentile of Fleckeby Germany.
Wikipedia continues:
'Fleckeby is a municipality in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Fleckeby is east of the municipality of Güby, but north of Hummelfeld.'
The solution must be somewhere in Fleckeby: a museum, a gallery, written in a shop window, in a musty library or city archive, scratched into a dry wall or written out in pebbles. If you live or know someone in Fleckeby please contact them. It may be necessary to get an agent in Fleckeby.
I have found the reason behind, and an accurate model for, the forthcoming interchange of Cannizaro Park and The Augarten. The website is the work of America's most visionary meteorologist Audrey Puente, daughter of legendary Latin percussionist Tito Puente, and can be seen here:
Except you won't find the answer you will instead see this:

Except you won't find the answer you will instead see this:

Official sites sit in comfortable denial!
The websites for the two parks sitting on the precipice of large scale mutual transformation do not even acknowledge the impending seminal moment that is May 7 2010. Both sites have been bombarded with emails and letters from locals worried about the short and long-term effects of the swap, whilst scientists and religious leaders who have been studying the approaching phenomenon with a mixture of excitement and anxiety have also tried to contact the sites. The lack of response and information on these websites amounts to park-swap-denial and should not be tolerated. We encourage you all to log on to and message these websites with your own personal protests.
An elderly architect I met in Cannizaro Park's Rose Garden described the lack of information available on the website as 'disgusting, an absoloute travesty of non-communication... this will come back to bite us on the arse just like the Millennium Bug did and as surely as the Hadron Collider will!'
An elderly architect I met in Cannizaro Park's Rose Garden described the lack of information available on the website as 'disgusting, an absoloute travesty of non-communication... this will come back to bite us on the arse just like the Millennium Bug did and as surely as the Hadron Collider will!'
Dylan saw it coming
The Parks They are A-Changing
While dusting off some old cassettes in the garage I stumbled across a performance Dylan had given on the BBC back in the '80s that I had taped off the radio. Strumming through some of his old favourites Dylan eventually plays 'The Times The are A-changing' but incredibly on the first chorus Dylan sings 'park' instead of 'time'. Astonished I re-wound the tape and listened again and again. Yes, Dylan said 'park'.
Dylan has often been given the titles of seer, oracle and revolutionary leader and, like it or not, he has become a figure of mystic prominence in our culture. Could it be possible that he foresaw the swapping of Cannizaro and the Augarten parks decades before and announced it to our nation via the BBC? Is Dylan our Nostradamus? At any rate it cannot be taken lightly - great poets aren't casual with words.
Below is a transcription of the song. I encourage everybody with a guitar or piano to play it through and use it to understand.
In 3/4 waltz time
G Em C G
Come gather 'round people wher-ever you roam
G Em C G
Come gather 'round people wher-ever you roam
G Am C D
And ad-mit that the waters ar-ound you have grown,
And ad-mit that the waters ar-ound you have grown,
G Em C G
And ac-cept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone,
And ac-cept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone,
G Am D
If your time to you is worth saving,
If your time to you is worth saving,
D7 Gmaj7 D
Then you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone,
Then you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone,
For the parks they are a-chang-ing!
For the parks they are a-chang-ing!
Blog gains support of:
Support grows across the web.
Support grows across the web.
We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future. (Max Planck)
Augarten = Cannizaro
- nurture, beauty, human manipulation of nature is active on both sides
- both sites are the remnants of western Europe
- both sites will exist on Friday the 7th of May 2010
- there is no logical reeason why these two sites cannot swap on Friday the 7th of May 2010 as:
if a = b and b = c, therefore a = c
- the geographical stability of Cannizaro in London and The Augarten in Austria is subject to physical laws that can change or at least fluctuate on that day
Augarten = Cannizaro
- nurture, beauty, human manipulation of nature is active on both sides
- both sites are the remnants of western Europe
- both sites will exist on Friday the 7th of May 2010
- there is no logical reeason why these two sites cannot swap on Friday the 7th of May 2010 as:
if a = b and b = c, therefore a = c
- the geographical stability of Cannizaro in London and The Augarten in Austria is subject to physical laws that can change or at least fluctuate on that day
Cultural transitions: Cannizaro and the Augarten
Culture, history, particels on the sub-atomic level, one and all osciallate, repeat and exchange information continuously. Thomas McEvilley said as much, Aristotle said as much, Max Planck said as much. Can there be surprise then, in the face of such repetition, oscillation, exchange, that the identity of two entities (to-whit Cannizaro Park London and The Augarten Vienna) will swap for a single day on Friday the 7th of May 2010? To ask for a cause for such a metaphysical exchange is to ask what drives civilizations to rise and fall with such equally measured undulation, or quantum particles to appear and vanish, consistently appearing utterly random. These are facts of this universe, not the simple exchange of cause and effect. There may be laws but they are incomprehensible in scale and scope. Three more ingredients: Friday the 7th of May, Cannizaro Park, The Augarten. When these three combine there is no telling what may happen. The proof, as always, is not in the prediction but in the pudding.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Blessed is he that readeth, and that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand. Behold the parks with change; and every eye shall see.
And in that park that is called Cannizaro a great upheaval shall take place.
And there will appear a great wonder on earth; Cannizaro and the Augarten shall be resurrected in each others place.
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