The Herald, the Wandsworth-based original, has just sent us this email:
"Dear purveyors of truth,
I email for two pressing and crucial reasons.
First, while examining 'The Tome Of Spiritual Magnetism' in the small hours of this morning it occurred to me in a flash of inspiration to turn to page 118. The number and it's relationship with the mathematical constant ca, demonstrated on this very blog, seems to have a fundamental connection with May 7 and the swap. What I found on page 118 was strange and wondrous indeed. The page gave a brief history of the German town of Fleckeby, a complete non-sequitor with the rest of the book: nothing before or after this page explains or contextualises it. Why? Fleckeby is the key, clearly. The original page 118, the page explaining the park-swap and accurately predicting it, must be somewhere in Fleckeby - perhaps in an original copy of the Tome?
I have booked a Ryan Air flight to nearby Kiel and hope to be there by morning. Whatever my investigation uncovers will be quickly relayed to you and from you to the hungry public.
The second issue is that of 'Das Herald' or 'The True Herald'. I disprove his claims for authorship of the 'The Tome of Spiritual Magnetism' with a single fact: my copy of the tome was published in the 19th century. Unless 'Das Herald' is a century and a half old and has a white beard down to his kneecaps he is clearly just an online whack-job, trawling through the internet to avoid getting a job. If the park-swap brings political revoloution in it's wake (and I begin to feel that it might) he'll be first up against the wall in the cull.
The one and only
The Herald
p.s. If you need to reach me you can email on"
Oh mighty Herald, let thy words of wisdom permeate the web with the clarity of a sweetly struck gong and let thy speech communicate transcendental enlightenment (supported by first-hand field research) to all who hear.